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Do employee perks work? #happyemployees #perks askshivani productivity Nov 29, 2022

Employee perks were designed to keep the employees engaged and at the end of the day retain them.

Simples ones that we might take for granted in some workplaces are free tea and coffee, BBQ's


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How to deal with your peer stealing your idea? #happyemployees #resolvingissues #stealingideas askshivani behaviours blog speakingup Nov 21, 2022

One way happy employees turn unhappy is when they generate a great idea, openly share it and then a peer takes that idea and presents it as their own.

If you are that employee, here are 3 steps to...

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Grief of losing an unborn child askshivani health mental health miscarraige supportingwomen Sep 27, 2021

Dealing with losing an unborn child is....hard, terrible, devastating....

This weeks focus is for women to acknowledge the grief of losing an unborn child.

The steps to most grief are:

  • ...
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3 legged stool for women : work - health - family askshivani musts non negotiable personal growth priorities supportingwomen workingwomen Sep 20, 2021

This week, our focus is the 3 legged stool. As the analogy goes, if one of the legs of a 3 legged stool are broken, the stool falls over.

When it comes to women, you have to know what the 3 legs of...

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Do you feel like an imposter? askshivani feel good imposter leadership leadership engineers Sep 17, 2021

I have felt this for a long time.  Surely someone will find out that I am not that talented.

Have you every felt like an imposter?

Apparently 70% of us do and more women than men do.

If you...

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You only need to change by 1% askshivani behaviours change improvement kaizen leadership Aug 30, 2021

When someone first came up with this concept, I thought to myself 'this is absurd!'.  1% is not going to get you anywhere.

Is 1 kg of feathers heavier or 1 kg of bricks?  They are...

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Are we all one? afghanistan askshivani leadership speakingup supportingwomen Aug 23, 2021

When I turned 40, I went to India to find myself for the next decade.  It was important for me to learn things deeply about myself.

I spend time listening to Dalai Lama and his teachings.


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Supporting mums of kids with ADHD or something adhd askshivani confidence labels leadership mums personal growth Aug 16, 2021

Before I had kids, I was very judgemental of mums who I perceived as not being in 'control' of their kids.

These behaviours were socially at parties or BBQ's or even in the supermarket where the...

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Diversity and Inclusion askshivani diversity diversityandinclusion inclusion leadership engineers mentoring Aug 09, 2021

Diversity and Inclusion:What is your understanding?

Diversity and Inclusion have been spoken about more in the last 5 years than before but more needs to said and more needs to be heard.


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Using head AND heart to make decisions askshivani decision decisionmaking headandheart leadership engineers Aug 09, 2021

Using both head and heart when making decisions

Most processes and training is based on head. Head is safe. Heart is risky.

Friends and family will say, use your heart when you decide major...

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Ayurveda Mindfulness askshivani ayurveda leadership mindfulness Aug 09, 2021

Mindfulness the Ayurveda Way

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian practice dating back about 5000 years ago.

As a child, I had some of my grandparents doing this practice and I had no interest...

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Finding your true north askshivani career change direction leadership Aug 09, 2021

Finding your true north

The definition of true north is to find or proceed on the correct course or in the right direction. A reference to finding the position of the North Pole (e.g., by...

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