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5 things to look for in a mentor #happyemployees invest leadership mental health mentalwellness mentor mentoring Dec 19, 2022

I have always had mentors.  In family, it was my grandfather and father.  In my work, there were official mentors. Most of these I paid for.  And there were informal mentors who took...

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Diversity and Inclusion askshivani diversity diversityandinclusion inclusion leadership engineers mentoring Aug 09, 2021

Diversity and Inclusion:What is your understanding?

Diversity and Inclusion have been spoken about more in the last 5 years than before but more needs to said and more needs to be heard.


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How to save your energy asks energy leadership mentoring women May 02, 2021

When I was younger, I used to get vibes from people - some I liked and others I did not like.  Some I even felt repulsed by.  My daughter when she was 3 years old and I were in a...

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