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You only need to change by 1% askshivani behaviours change improvement kaizen leadership Aug 30, 2021

When someone first came up with this concept, I thought to myself 'this is absurd!'.  1% is not going to get you anywhere.

Is 1 kg of feathers heavier or 1 kg of bricks?  They are...

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Finding your true north askshivani career change direction leadership Aug 09, 2021

Finding your true north

The definition of true north is to find or proceed on the correct course or in the right direction. A reference to finding the position of the North Pole (e.g., by...

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Changing Careers askshivani careers change leadership Aug 09, 2021

Changing careers

I was really worried about giving up a high paying, stable corporate job that I had worked so hard for. But I knew it was time to go.

Have you every felt that? Did you feel it...

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