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Do you feel like an imposter? askshivani feel good imposter leadership leadership engineers Sep 17, 2021

I have felt this for a long time.  Surely someone will find out that I am not that talented.

Have you every felt like an imposter?

Apparently 70% of us do and more women than men do.

If you...

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Diversity and Inclusion askshivani diversity diversityandinclusion inclusion leadership engineers mentoring Aug 09, 2021

Diversity and Inclusion:What is your understanding?

Diversity and Inclusion have been spoken about more in the last 5 years than before but more needs to said and more needs to be heard.


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Using head AND heart to make decisions askshivani decision decisionmaking headandheart leadership engineers Aug 09, 2021

Using both head and heart when making decisions

Most processes and training is based on head. Head is safe. Heart is risky.

Friends and family will say, use your heart when you decide major...

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What is your purpose? askshivani leadership engineers life planning purpose vision Apr 28, 2021

The definition...

the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

The conversation on purpose has been facilitated for a long time.

Legacy, leaving a mark, Maslow's...

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Boost your confidence in 7 days askshivani blog career leadership leadership engineers women Apr 19, 2021

Confidence is a state, a belief.  Saying you have low or high confidence in everything  is simply not true. There are some areas we have high confidence in and other areas we...

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When are you retiring? Me never! askshivani blog career leadership leadership engineers life planning retire women Apr 12, 2021

Reinventing at least every 10 years

 The right retirement age

Growing up, I heard many adults say, they could not wait to retire when they were 55 years of age.  This changed to 60, then 65 and now 70.  Many people...

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