Read the BLOGS here to the Grow Your Business. Get ideas you can implement.
One way happy employees turn unhappy is when they generate a great idea, openly share it and then a peer takes that idea and presents it as their own.
If you are that employee, here are 3 steps to...
Confidence is a state, a belief. Saying you have low or high confidence in everything is simply not true. There are some areas we have high confidence in and other areas we...
The right retirement age
Growing up, I heard many adults say, they could not wait to retire when they were 55 years of age. This changed to 60, then 65 and now 70. Many people...
It is pretty stressful when we have two staff that are both valuable in your business and they are ‘at each other’. They are both are stuck in their views and they are not moving...
Balance is often assumed and described as work-life balance. Images on the internet are of someone walking a tightrope or multi-tasking. (Side note - if you multi task, you are probably not good at...
Last week I was catching up with a girlfriend of mine where our updates range over all topics of work, life, husband, books we are reading all done over a glass of red wine (of course). She...
Learning and mind features as #3 (out of 7) on my passion priorities for 2018. This year we made a decision to go skiing for the first time as a family. I was excited at first to learn...
Vietnam is known for its tailors. In fact, there are literally thousands on them. And that is just in Hoi An, a city of 120,000 people only let alone the rest of Vietnam.
How do you...
Last week, I spoke with many mums in the school yard where their child especially their daughters were being told what to do by other kids through text messages. The implication was if they...
I had the opportunity to hear this master writer speak last week. Malcolm Gladwell is the author of several NY Best Selling books such as Tipping Point, Outliers and others. If you...
Women are paid approximately 17% below that of their male counterpart for the same role with similar experience.
And although the movement of women suffering to just vote is way behind...